
HeartSync is a Christian approach that focuses on synchronizing different parts of the heart.


Stage 1: Surface the Heart Dynamics

Diagram showing negative heart dyanmics according to Catholic view. Heart is divided under the X factor, which divides mind, body, will, soul. The mind is influenced by a defense, the will also, and the body is influenced by a stuck emotional state (unresolved memory).

HeartSync Ministries is grounded in the belief that all people have a divided heart, with core parts that become disconnected due to pain, trauma, or unmet needs. These core parts include the Function (managing daily life), the Emotion (carrying unresolved pain), the Guardian (protecting from overwhelm), and the Original Self (deeply connected to God).

The goal of HeartSync is to intentionally engage each part of the divided heart, allowing Jesus to bring healing and synchronization. This creates an undivided heart capable of deeper love for God, oneself, and others.

Heart Dynamics

Trigger (object the heart is responding to or approaching)

A triggering situation in HeartSync may activate different parts of the heart, such as Function disconnecting from Emotion when encountering a stressful event, or Guardian trying to shield Function from pain.

Heartsync often enters into the healing work by having you identify your defense mechanisms.




Triggering Situation

Diagram showing negative heart dyanmics according to Catholic view. Heart is divided under the X factor, which divides mind, body, will, soul.

◯ Defense - Intellect

The Function part of the heart focuses on daily life, tasks, and routines. However, it often disconnects from emotions and trauma to avoid being overwhelmed, creating a barrier to deeper healing and connection.

△ Defense - Will

The Guardian part works to protect the Function from being overwhelmed by Emotion. It often acts subconsciously, blocking memories, feelings, and connections that it perceives as too dangerous to face.

☒ Wound - Unresolved Emotional Memory

The Emotion part carries unresolved trauma, pain, and negative experiences. It is often isolated from the rest of the heart, leading to patterns of coping behaviors or emotional numbness as a way to manage the pain.

Stage 2: Shift the Unresolved to Resolved

Resolved Heart Dynamics

Healed Emotion



Triggering Situation

Heart diagram showing X factor replaced with cross in center of heart, uniting different parts of the self, including mind, body, will, soul.

HeartSync engages each core part through intentional prayer and exploration, allowing Jesus to address the root causes of division. By inviting each part into connection with Him, the Function becomes adaptive and engaged, the Guardian learns to trust and release its protective role, and the Emotion finds healing and expression. As these parts synchronize under the leadership of the Original Self, the individual experiences profound transformation, unity, and freedom in Christ.

The Heartsync Approach consists of the following steps (from website)

  1. Education
  2. God Names conversation
  3. Opening Prayer (with Praise and Confession to Jesus and Appeal for Protection)
  4. Divine Encounter (or Connection)
  5. Appreciation Exercise (including the five senses)
  6. Explore: Work with the Presenting Part to resolve conflicts and spiritual assignments
  7. Expand: Work to expand the Divine Encounter by progressively inviting the other Core Parts into relationship with Jesus—working to resolve conflicts and spiritual assignments until all the heart is in loving relationship with God
  8. Return to Divine Encounter
  9. Closing Prayer

Stage 3: Anchor in the New Response

The Christ-like response is "anchored in" with virtue.

Healed Emotion



Triggering Situation

Heart diagram showing X factor replaced with cross in center of heart, uniting different parts of the self, including mind, body, will, soul. This diagram shows an anchor of virtue sealing in new response.

The ultimate goal of HeartSync is to achieve a heart that is fully connected with God. As Jesus unifies the divided parts, the individual can love God wholeheartedly and live with greater freedom and joy, fulfilling the mission to "heal the brokenhearted" (Luke 4:18).

Supportive Function - Function becomes more adaptive, balanced, and open to experiencing emotions without avoidance.

Guardian - Guardian transforms to a trusting supportive role, allowing emotional experiences to surface without blocking them.

Healed Emotion - Emotion no longer holds onto past trauma and can express pain in a way that facilitates healing.

With Function, Guardian, and Emotion harmonized, the True Self can lead the individual towards wholeness and a closer relationship with God.

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