
Provide simple, step by step guidance to Catholics looking for inner healing and growth in some area of their lives.

Icon of St Joseph holding lantern
Years Experience
Of Clients Helped
Hours of Training
Hours of Therapy

Guidance and
Resources from
a Skilled Catholic Therapist

Marcel Lanahan, Catholic Therapist and husband of five.
Marcel Lanahan, PsyD, LMHC.

Get support from someone who shares your deeply held beliefs.

If you are looking for a Catholic counselor who loves the Faith as much as you do, you have found me!

For years, I have helped fellow Catholics find relief from emotional and relational problems that interfere with everyday peace and freedom.

I have learned from the best in the field, and have helped countless clients turn their stumbling blocks into stepping stones. It is a joy and a privilege.

Often, people are surprised by their experience in counseling. Why? Because we go straight to the heart of the matter in the first session. Whatever is missing in your life right now, we will find together. Most find it right away. Others take a little more time.

With the guidance of a skilled Catholic therapist, you can go beyond surface level coping to experience lasting change within. With me, you will NOT receive lectures on philosophy or pressure to buy books. Your needs are unique and personal. We draw on God's grace, evidence-based techniques, and the resources of our Faith to discover your specific path forward.

I have recently started collaborating with Bernhard Streisselberger, a Catholic psychotherapist and coach. Bernhard has agreed to join me in offering online meetings to those looking for expert guidance in emotional healing and personal growth. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in EMDR, Immanuel Prayer, parts work (IFS), and Affirmation coaching. Connect with Bernhard here.

Interested in meeting?

We are currently offering a free 30 minute call by phone or secure video conference.

In addition to therapy, here you can find Insight Anchors to make change easier.

insight anchors iconinfographic of attachment theory showing safe haven and secure base sides of attachmentinfographic for marital communication5 star rating icon

Insight Anchors are visuals or other learning tools that are:

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Simple means easily understood and straightforward. It also describes what is essential underneath complex parts or distinctions. Light is neither wave nor particle, but something more simple.

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We are bombarded with a constant noise of shallow, superficial information. What we need are insights that help us build wisdom and do justice to the vast depth of the mind and heart.

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There are interesting thoughts, and then there are key ideas and strategies that move the needle. I seek to provide insights that are truly helpful for healing and growth.



Memory is the first step in the taxonomy of learning. Insights need to be made memorable to enable the deeper and lasting change we seek.

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Ideally, insights lead to experiences and lasting changes in behavior.

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While knowledge of general principles can be enlightening, We are unique, embodied persons that need to apply insights to our own lives and relationships.

Discover Resources for Change

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