Dr Philip Mango

Psychologist and Speaker

Dr. Philip Mango was a co-founder of the St. Michael's Institute of the Psychological Sciences in NY.


Dr Philip Mango

Dr. Philip Mango, a Catholic psychotherapist and a founding member of the St. Michael’s Institute of the Psychological Sciences, aims to restore masculinity in a culture that is suffering a crisis of identity. He argues that masculinity is based on four archetypes that reveal the natural psychological basis of men’s desire to love and be loved through initiation and action. These archetypes are:

  • The king, who creates order and blesses those under his authority.
  • The warrior, who defends and protects those who are weaker or dependent on him.
  • The lover, who is not sentimental but from the heart, and who forgives and asks for forgiveness.
  • The wise guide, who conveys spiritual knowledge and gives wise advice.
  • Dr. Mango identifies passive and active distortions of these archetypes, such as the weak king, the fearful warrior, the obsessed lover, and the false guide. He also explains how original sin and disordered conditioning have affected men’s development of a secure masculine identity. He proposes Warrior Brothers, an organization that encourages men to reject the hectic and driven existence and to put God and family before all. He bases his endeavor on the teachings of John Paul II and the evidence of neuroscience.

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