The Four Archetypes of Masculinity


Dr. Phil Mango
Men draw energy from four archetypes. These help men to grow in true masculine identity in Christ as priest, prophet, king, and lover.
Dr. Marcel Lanahan
Key Insights
- Primary Desire of Women - to love and be loved, to find intimacy with others
- Primary Desire of Men - to love and be loved through initiation and action
- Men and women are hardwired (in their neurobiology, neuropsychology) to be this way.
- Men are called to action, to leadership, expending themselves in love.
- Men should turn away from busy-ness, screens, and addictions, and toward their families and the Church.
- Men draw energy from four archetypes. These help men to grow in true masculine identity in Christ as priest, prophet, king, and lover.
Notes about the four masculine archetypes
- Warrior - defender of life who protects the weak/those dependent on him. Not just physically, but psychologically, spiritually, economically. A true warrior is able and willing to protect his family and the Faith, but is not abusive, nor fighting for the Church in a hateful manner.
- Wise counselor - guide who has acquired wisdom and is able to pass it on. He actively seeks to fulfill his obligations as spiritual head of the family. Has the courage to do so, rather than be too passive, silent, refusing to guide. Not quick to give bad advice, speak in half-truths, or pass on ideologies.
- King - servant leader who creates order in the family, church, society. A man encourages and blesses those under his authority. A king is not passive - confused, weak, controlled (by queen). A king is not excessively active - authoritarian, harsh, cruel, controlling.
- Lover - Christlike lover who loves others from the heart, especially his spouse, with self-sacrificial love. His love is demonstrative but not overly sentimental. He makes an effort to be there for his wife, quick to forgive and to ask forgiveness while diligently working on his faults. A lover is not remote, passive, emotionally impotent. He is not obsessed with sex, porn, promiscuity, lust.
As a side note, it would be interesting to compare Dr. Mango's description of the archetypes with Jordan Peterson's. An idea for a future post.